The Wahl-O-Mat zum Aufkleben is a new and exciting interactive tool for citizens to become acquainted with politics.
By placing red or green stickers on political statements, the user agrees or disagrees with the propositions made by politicians. Thereafter the visitor will scan his or her sticker sheet, which will result in a personal voting advice.
The political statements are printed on three live size canvases. Armed with your sticker sheet full of red and green stickers you state which of the statements you agree or disagree with. You then take the sticker sheet to the ballot box to get it scanned. This results in a receipt which shows what political parties are closest to your political opinion.
The longer the Wahl-O-Mat zum Aufkleben is in use, the better you get to see what people think about the political subjects. Every hour, a photo is made which shows the progress and process of the Wahl-O-Mat zum Aufkleben.
DRS22, together with Studio Renate Boere, created, developed and designed the Wahl-O-Mat zum Aufkleben. The Wahl-O-Mat zum Aufkleben is created as a result of previously successful Dutch StickerStemWijzer.
Opdrachtgever: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
Ontwerp: DRS22 i.s.m. studio Renate Boere, Renate Boere, Tim Hölscher
Techniek: Zork: Michael van Schaik